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The European Arabidopsis Stock Centre

Calyx transactivation insert population

Donated by

  • Neil Graham Plant and Crop Sciences Division, Plant Sciences Building, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham
  • Neil Graham Calyx Plantech Ltd, Plant and Crop Sciences Division, Plant Sciences Building, School of Biosciences, University of Nottingham

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CALYX Collection Background

The CALYX collection is a pair of enhancer trap insertion populations made in the Columbia and Ws backgrounds. Each population has been separately transformed with a two-component enhancer trap system using a GUS reporter for confirmation and pattern assessment.

  • The Columbia population contains a LhG4/pOp construct pair
  • The Ws population has an ArgR/pArgF construct pair.

The GUS expression pattern for much of the population of independent transformants has been characterised by a consortium of European laboratories.

Cartoon of the ArgR/ArgF mechanism

Example enhancer trap GUS patterns from the population